Past Performances


Pass the Clap

When first starting improv training, classes are taught a game called "Pass the Clap". The group forms a circle and one person starts by turning to the person next to them and both people try to clap their hands at the exact same time. The goal is to make one sound - one clap! Upon clapping the person that received the clap turns to their other side and passes the clap. The clap circles around the room until it gets back to the original person that started the game. Seems simple right? Well its not just a group game of "patty cake". It teaches several different improv lessons. One of the bigger takeaways is learning that each player has one key role to fulfill in the game... being ready to receive the clap as well as give the clap. That's it! No matter what else is happening in the room they are completely focused on and reacting to their turn to clap. With that said, their clap fits into the bigger picture too. By paying attention to the rhythm of the clap sound they should mere the energy and speed of the overall group. This is also a good practice in life too. Be in tuned with your surroundings but focused on what directly concerns you.

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