Past Performances


Sing It

There's an improv game that is sometimes played called "Sing It". Like most games, it starts off by getting a suggestion from the audience to inspire the improvisers to start the scene. In the midst of the performance, the host will yell "sing it" from off-stage. Whoever said the last line on stage will step forward and make up a song on the spot about whatever they just said. This might seem absolutely terrifying, but it just requires a leap of faith and confidence. No one in the audience is expecting an "American Idol" moment where the singer brings the crowd to tears. The audience doesn't really even care if the song rhymes. What they really want to see is the performer tackle the singing challenge straight on and rock it... singing with confidence, staying on topic, and maybe even incorporating a fun personality into the mix. So in life - make sure every now and again you sing it. Take your front-of-stage moment all to yourself... sing out and be confident!

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