Past Performances


End on Agreement

The production manger hangs in the rafters waiting to "cut the lights" on a scene. Looking closely for a clue given on stage to signify the performance is finished. Ideally, the scene should end on an agreement. The improvisers should be playing at the same energy level and emotional state. A conclusion has been met - an agreement has been made. This improv lesson has a very powerful meaning when put in context of breaking up. No matter what happens at the end of the relationship - it truly can't be over under both people are ready to cut the lights. Whether the agreement is to remain friends, cut off communication for the time being, just be plain bitter... it needs to be agreed upon. Otherwise, the scene doesn't end. The performance drags on too long. The improvisers can get lost on stage and confused on how to end the scene. It has to end on agreement... even if that is to agree to disagree! Cut lights.

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